Monday, April 22, 2024

New Year, Less Work, Less Cats

So it's been four years since I posted. So much has happened. First off, I was laid off my job in August of 2020, (along with over 30 co-workers) during the pandemic, where I had just celebrated my 30th anniversary.  So, thanks for that anniversary gift, I guess?! Then to rub salt in the wound, they gave me one hour to go into work (since obviously, everyone was still working from home) and clean out my office. I finally negotiated a whopping three hours, but that still was not enough to get out and clean an office I had for 10 years. I left it a mess, but honestly, I could not have cared less. I just wanted to make sure I took out everything of mine. 

Do you know how hard it is to get a job after age 50? Then try getting a job after age 60 during a pandemic. I had job counseling and completely revamped my resume. I sent out many applications, each with a customized letter and resume. I did not hear from a single one. A good friend and former supervisor suggested I incorporate myself so I could work independently. I did all that in March of 2021 and have been working part time since April of 2021 with a remote law firm. After four years, it is still a struggle to not have a steady paycheck. Working hourly, I never know how much work I will have in any given week, so I can get as little as $500 for a month's work or $5,000. It would be a great gig, if I was collecting Social Security, but I want to hold off at least until full retirement age (two more years) so I can collect a decent monthly amount. 

Now to my cats. I have lost two more cats in the past four years. The first, my sweet Ollie. He was at least 15 years old and skin and bones, but a happier cat you could not have found. Always trilling and purring and just wanting to be near me. My vet had retired in 2019 so I took him to a new vet in October of 2020. They were very concerned about his weight but after a number of tests, everything came back very normal. He died very suddenly after having a few seizures in February of 2021. Then my big marshmallow, Mica died. He was a semi-feral, but started coming into the house regularly in 2022. He LOVED being in the house but I had to constantly supervise him as he would use the litterbox about 50% of the time. He was pretty smart and started waking me up with his meows around 4:00-5:00 most mornings to be let outside. Since he was a semi-feral-stray, I had no idea how old he was. He started losing weight around mid-January of 2023. But, his demeanor and appetite were completely normal. I called to make an appointment in early February, but could not get in to see the vet (since it was not an emergency) until early March. As with Ollie, Mica started having seizures in late February and seemed to fall into a coma. I called an in-home pet euthanasia group and someone came out and put Mica down.  But, I still have my darling Clementine and another semi-feral outside cat, Kiko. 

The issue that is taking up all my worry and energy is trying to figure out where I want to retire. Thankfully, my tiny house is paid off but it is a 1937 house with many old house issues that I have not had the money to address. Do I want to stay here and spend the severance money I received fixing it up? Do I want to sell it for a decent amount and get a nice condo for half the cost of what my house is worth? If I sell my house, do I stay in the area or move back to my home state of Minnesota where I have family and the cost of living is close to 40% cheaper? Moving back to Minnesota seems to be the best choice financially, but I've been living in this area for over 40 years! It would be very hard to leave and it makes me very sad to even think about it. 

Soooo, that's where I am today. I look back and its basically been a sad four years. Let's hope the next four years will be a little brighter 👍💓😺 

