Thursday, October 22, 2009


It looks like Sweet Pea was a little optimistic last week. While I was posting last night, I looked and saw that he was bleeding again from his mouth. Boy did my heart sink. I'm so frustrated by this. I called and my vet is out this morning but the vet tech said to get him back on antibiotics and she'll let the vet know when he gets in this afternoon.

So, it looks like more puurayers are needed.


SeaThreePeeO said...

Sending loads od extra special puurs and prayers to you!

JC said...

We will have our paws crossed over here ...

las794 said...

Rubbing my lucky kitty feet here...

Dog_geek said...

Oh no! I was hoping that he was all better now! Extra prayers from us!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You got them.. Purrs and prayers on way... HUgs GJ xx

Kari said...

We are a large family of cats and we are purring and praying for Sweet Pea.
Be sure to let Sweet Pea now he has our love and support and prayers.

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Sending purrs for Sweet Pea to get better soon!

Purring extra loud,
Charlemagne and Tamar

Poppy Q said...

Aww Sweet Pea, we will be purring for you.

Kari said...

Just checking back on Sweet Pea. Our prayers continue...

possumlady said...

Hi everyone and thanks for the prayers and purrayers. Have a call into the vet as he did not call me back yesterday. Sweet Pea is holding his own. Still bleeding occasionally from his mouth but acting like nothing is wrong. I've got him back on antibiotics so hopefully they'll start to kick in soon (honestly, I don't even know if they helped in the first place--but one has to hope).

Planning on a quiet weekend of cleaning, watching TV/movies and cooking--my first batch of chocolate chili and my Aunt Pauline's spaghetti sauce!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Glad to hear that Sweet Pea is holding his own so far.

Sending lots more purrs. We're pulling for you to beat whatever it is, Sweet Pea!

Charlemagne and Tamar

SquirrelQueen said...

I dropped by to check on Sweet Pea and was hoping all was well. Sending lots of purrayers your way.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are just finally catching up on visiting - I hope things will turn out well - we will be keeping a good though and hopefully when I get to the more recent posts it will all be good. But purrs and prayers are going out to you all either way!!