Fall that is. Oh yes, we've been teased by a few cooler days and nights but then Nature decided we just needed a bit more weather in the mid-80s with high humidity while preparing for Halloween! That all changed Thursday and Friday. Heavy rains and wind for two days straight with highs on Friday barely making it to 60. My kind of weather! I can tell you who didn't appreciate all the rain though--
Have you ever gotten beaned by one of these acorns? They can pack quite a sting coming from one of the huge oak trees around here. The winds on Thursday and Friday brought down a ton of these.
Today is a brilliant clear blue day with north winds. Looks like there are only a few seeds left on my dogwood. Friday night also signaled Fall because of necessity for these:
Today I feel like cooking so I'm making my Aunt Pauline's spagetti sauce. My family is not Italian, but my Aunt Pauline was married to one--my Uncle Frank Aiello. Unfortunately, they have both passed on but the Aiello spagetti sauce lives! Before my aunt could marry, she had to learn how to cook all of my uncle's favorite italian dishes by his mom. The first step is to brown garlic powder in olive oil. That smells always brings back memories of my Aunt cooking up at their resort in Eagle River, Wisconsin.
I'm cooking the sauce while listening to one of my favorite CDs, Amore: The Great Italian Love Arias. I've also had a hankering for some peanutbutter blossom cookies--you know, the ones with the hershey kiss in the middle. So that is next on my agenda this afternoon. If I have time later in the day I will post the recipe for the spagetti sauce.
So, what have YOU done this weekend? Enquiring minds want to know.
Oh, I thought you were wearing different color socks to tell your left foot from your right!
Well, our friends from Nags Head were here and that always means lots of eating and drinking (but not cooking!). We went out to dinner four nights in a row for the following cuisines: new south; Asian fusion; Thai; and Indian. All yummy! I'd like to see your Aunt's sauce recipe. Not that I enjoy cooking, but cool weather sometimes brings out a desire.
Kgmom - Ha! No, that's something I think Mary would do :-)
Hey Cat59, the sauce recipe will now have to wait until I return from Chicago. Too much to do!
Yep, that would be me. And, hey, I have those socks! In yellow! Love them a lot. Will wear them soon when our ceramic floors freeze. LOL!
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